发表年度 论文题目 刊物全称 论文作者 刊物类别 操作
2023 Fifty years of change in the lower tree line in an arid coniferous forest in the Qilian Mountains, northwestern China Plos One Fang Shu,He Zhibin,Zhao Minmin SCI
2023 Cultivation increased soil potential denitrification rates by modifying denitrifier communities in desert-oasis ecotone European Journal of Soil Science Wang Lisha,He Zhibin,Wang Chuan,Chen Longfei,Yang Rong SCI
2023 Potential effects of oasis expansion on ecosystem service value in a typical inland river basin of northwest China Environmenal science and pollution research Zhao Minmin,He Zhibin,Wang Siyuan SCI
2023 Rainfall interception measurements and modeling in a semiarid evergreen spruce(Piceacrassifolia)forest Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Yang Junjun,He Zhibin,Feng Jianmin,Lin Pengfei,Du Jun,Guo Lingxia SCI
2023 Environmental impacts of photovoltaic power plants in northwest China Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments Luo Lihui,Zhuang Yanli,Liu Hu,Zhao Wenzhi,Chen Jizu,Du Wentao SCI
2023 Integrating ecosystem service importance and ecological sensitivity to identify priority areas for ecological conservation and restoration in Miyun Reservoir Basin International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology Zhang Zhaokun,Li Tao,Li Ling,Li Shuang,Rong Yuejing,Bao Rui,Fu Xiao,Tang Mingfang,Wu Gang SCI
2023 Temporal and spatial changes of habitat quality and their potential driving factors in southwest China Land Li Tao,Bao Rui,Li Ling,Tang Mingfang,Deng Hongbing SCI
2023 Multiple equidistant belt technique for width function estimation through a two-segmented-distance strategy Environmental Modelling and Software Wu Pengfei,Liu Jintao,Feng Meiyan,Liu Hu SCI
2023 河西走廊绿洲生态建设和农业发展的若干思考与建议 中国科学院院刊 赵文智,任珩,杜军,杨荣,杨淇越,刘鹄 CSCD
2023 绿洲农田玉米和牧草种植对地表节肢动物群落结构的影响 中国生态农业学报 王永珍,冯怡琳,赵文智,杨荣,刘继亮 CSCD
2023 疏勒河源区高寒草甸中型土壤动物群落特征及对土壤水分变化的响应 冰川冻土 刘继亮,赵文智,王永珍,冯怡琳,林永一,陈生云 CSCD
2023 禁牧和放牧对祁连山高寒草原秋季大型和中型土壤节肢动物多样性的影响 草业科学 刘继亮,赵文智,王永珍,冯怡琳,祁进贤,李永元 CSCD
2023 植物与传粉者物候错配效应研究进展 生态学报 王文,杜军,何志斌,马登科,赵鹏 CSCD
2023 干旱区气候变化及其对山地森林生态系统稳定性和水文过程影响研究进展 干旱区地理 常学向,赵文智,田全彦 CSCD
2023 基于COSMIC模型的宇宙射线中子反演荒漠?绿洲区土壤水分 应用生态学报 吴绍雄,张勇勇,赵文智,康文蓉,田子晗 CSCD
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